【同义词辨析】 2019-07-18 谦卑humble-modest

humble: may suggest a virtuous absence of pride or vanity or it may suggest undue self-depreciation or humiliation: a quiet life as a simple ~ parish priest. (humble谦卑,本义是不自视优越not thinking oneself as better than other people,褒义比modest还要强,如a humble request/apology/attitude/manner谦卑的请求/道歉/态度/举止,he is humble about his achievements面对成就表现得谦卑,可以用在敬语in my humble opinion=in my opinion在下看来,welcome to our humble home/abode欢迎光临舍) humility是本杰明富兰克林的13美德中的最后一条,也是让他能够赢得民众支持的一条,谦虚不仅使人进步,还更容易让人接受自己的观点,避免争吵和激辩。但在他看来谦卑也是最困难的一条,他说他天生骄傲,时不时的会表现得骄傲,即使完全克服了骄傲的毛病,也会为此骄傲(even if I had completely overcome it, I should be probably be proud of my humility)                pride骄傲vanity虚荣在2019-07-06 处处寡头多数虚荣乏味

meek: may suggest mildness or gentleness of temper or it may connote undue submissiveness: the refugees were ~ and grateful for whatever they got.   to restore a fallen one in a spirit of meekness温柔的精神挽救堕落者  submissive表示过度顺从、无条件服从

modest: implies lack of boastfulness or conceit, without any implication of abjectness: sincerely ~ about her singing talent. conceit自负是指过度骄傲   (abject卑微debased and degraded,如the abject poverty of her youth她青年时期卑微贫穷)        modest=humble,此外还表示不太显著的,不太贵的,不太大量的,如modest improvement/fee/amount,还表示女子着装庄重不性感的

lowly: stresses lack of pretentiousness: a volunteer willing to accept the ~iest hospital duties. unpretentious低调, 强调一个人不虚荣不做作stresses lack of vanity or affectation and may praise a person,如a soft-spoken and unpretentious person一个说话轻柔做事低调的人)

humble谦卑: 表示不骄傲虚荣的美德,或表示过度自我贬低委屈,meek温柔温顺: 表示温和柔和,或表示过度顺从,modest谦虚: 不夸耀自负,但也不表现得卑微,lowly谦卑: 表示人低调,不虚荣做作

记忆方法: 1)首字母HMML美好美丽<==谦卑是美德


         3)谦卑的意思是不骄傲强势武断mean lacking any signs of pride, aggressiveness, or self-assertiveness.首字母HMML美好美丽<==谦卑是美德